Betrayed by Dragons Page 6
“You’re hurt,” she whispered softly.
“Isn’t that what you said last time we were in this predicament?”
She pouted playfully, attempting to twist away from him with little luck. “And you were hurt then, too!” she gasped, prying his hands from her thighs as he began inching her skirt up.
“Hurt or not, you still enjoyed it,” he reminded her, ignoring the bright blush that came to her cheeks.
“Will you lay off?” she mumbled. His warm lips came to her neck, just below her earlobe. Isabelle moaned softly, despite the frown she was forcing onto her lips.
“Never,” he whispered before kissing her.
The sun had set long ago. Faolan had watched its rays sink into the purple horizon, sated and lazy as Isabelle lay deeply asleep in his arms.
His skin felt like it was on fire. He hadn’t hunted for days. He couldn’t believe he could be so stupid. There was a herd of cattle no more than an hour east. An old farmer kept them for milk. He could have one of them he reasoned.
The problem though was in the woman currently wrapped around him, snoring gently. He certainly didn’t want to wake her up. Not when the dragon was so close, just below the surface. And hungry. Now would definitely not be a good time for her to see him change. For just a few moments rational, clear thought left as the beast took over to finish the job. By doing this, his frail human body was shielded from the worst of the pain as bones broke and grew under layers of new muscle and hardened skin.
But that was problematic when there was a human so very close. No, Faolan was never a danger to her. Not in any form. But the beast. That hungry, powerful, dangerous creature lurking just below the surface of his pale human skin—that thing was a danger to her. He could tell, while he had laid with her, how soft she was. How smooth her skin had become. How warm her stomach, slightly rounded with his child, was. The dragon had only thought of how good she would taste. Between the kisses there was a hunger as he tasted her flesh and thought of her skin between his jaws, of how delicious she would be as he—
No. Faolan forcefully pushed away those thoughts. Not tonight. Not right now. And certainly not this human. He wasn’t a match for the hunger. The dragon understood his meaning and backed away even with thoughts of sweet human flesh to feast on in his mind, an indulgence he had not taken part in since her arrival. The dragon within him was closer than ever to getting free. All he needed was to be called.
It was no more than a breath away. He had never been this close to changing without first planning it. This was a new sort of power. One he couldn’t tell if he liked or not. He could feel it in the tightening of his skin and the dryness of his throat. He knew he would change, right then and there, if he didn’t do something fast.
Faolan scrambled out of bed, realizing a moment too late in his rush to the ledge outside that the hasty movement of his body would awakened her. But the fresh air felt so good and as it washed in waves over his skin and he could think again. The beast was at bay for the moment, perfectly content just to feel the open air.
He felt a hand on his shoulder. Unsurprised, he kissed her fingertips and crouched down beside her as he scanned the canyon floor. Without question, her fingers strayed to his hair, gently playing with the tangled locks.
“It’s beautiful out here,” she said softly.
He could only nod in return. Having her near, so very close to him, her warm body pressed against his side, it was sweet blissful torture. The hunger was back.
“You seem different,” she said. “Distracted.”
He supposed that was one way to put it.
“Do you need to leave for a little bit?”
Faolan turned slowly to her. Could she really understand him that well? Could it be that easy? He nodded slowly, rising to his feet.
“Will I see you in the morning?” she asked, the hope clear in her voice.
Faolan smiled softly, his teeth slowly changing even though he willed them not to.
“Alright. Goodnight then,” she told him, hugging him tightly before taking a few steps away from him.
“Isabelle…I….” he swallowed thickly, struggling to find the words to say.
She shook her head quickly. “No more,” she said. “Go. You need to do something. Even I can feel how tense you are. I don’t know exactly what it is, but I think you need to do it. And right now I think I’m not as safe with my friend the black dragon as I usually am. Am I right?”
Faolan nodded slowly, speechless.
* * * *
“Then explain tomorrow. After you’re better. I’ll go back to sleep now. You have a good flight.” She blew him a kiss and then started walking back toward the bed.
In an instant she was in his arms, his mouth crashing down against hers in a kiss so desperate and so powerful that it took her breath away. But before she could react to him, pull him close against her, anything to make him stay and kiss her that way again, he was gone. In three short strides he bounded over the side of the ledge.
Seconds later the black dragon erupted with a roar and a flurry of powerfully beating wings. He circled her once, his onyx eyes trained on her. She thought she saw him smile in his own scaly way. And then he took off, his wings sending him deep into the moonless night where she could no longer see him.
Isabelle smiled into the darkness and slowly walked back inside, her fingers coming to her lips, remembering the kiss her husband, the dragon—no Draconian, she could hear him say, gave to her.
Chapter Eight
Thadius forced his body to rush into his natural form with a painful shift. It was unnecessarily painful, but he did not want to waste any time as the next step in his plan came into motion. He flew as fast as his old wings could carry him, staying as close to the mountains as possible so that he didn’t lose his way. It had been years since he had visited his old friend Mortimor in his clan home. The heavy winds battered against him as he flew south. He landed with as much grace as his large form would allow in Mortimer’s grand room, knowing that the old Draconian would most likely be eating there.
Mortimer looked up at him briefly, the dark gray scales around his eyes raised in silent question before he turned back to the pile of bones and muscle before him.
Thadius bowed low, his chin touching the stone beneath him as he folded his black wings against his back.
Greetings, clan brother, Thadius said, his mind reaching out to touch that of the older Draconian’s.
There was a low grunt from across the room as Mortimer tore flesh from the bones he was gnawing on. Greetings, to you as well, Thadius. You may rise.
He lumbered to his feet, but continued to keep his eyes averted. It was bad enough having to smell the fresh kill and not be able to take part in the meal, but he didn’t have to stare at it as well. I have a proposition for you, he said as his mouth began to water.
Mortimer paused briefly to lick the blood off his lips before answering. Oh? Do tell.
My son is in need of a mate.
Mortimer grunted and continued eating. I had heard that he had a human mate already. A bride even. He paused to rake him with a harsh glare. Really, Thadius, I had thought better of you.
Thadius shifted uncomfortably. It was for my benefit alone that they had a union.
Oh? That is a story I would much like to hear I think, Mortimer replied with a soft chuckle.
He nodded. As you wish. The girl is a direct descendant of Cortisa, that frail little Angelus woman I bedded so long ago. Although her lines are heavily diluted by human breeding, she is still directly in line for the Feeorin throne, and with it control of the council and then the whole empire.
Mortimer shrugged and went back to eating, unconvinced. And? How does that benefit you?
She is carrying my son’s child. That child will be our way back into power.
The older Draconian paused, smacking his lips thoughtfully. Your plan is good, I will admit that much. But I fail to see how it be
nefits me.
Thadius took a step forward, then at Mortimer’s low growl, thought better of it, instead lowering his head and dropping his wings again in submission. You have no sons and only one daughter. The rest of your family is dead. With her as my son’s mate, our clans will be bound. And she’ll have my son’s true offspring, ones that will add to the power of our kind.
Thadius smiled, glad he still had the old man’s attention. He wasn’t just one of Thadius’ only friends, he was also one of the few Draconian clan leaders who had decided to keep their female offspring instead of sending them away to go live with the women. He really was Thadius’ only hope in correcting Faolan’s mistake. Humans, even those mixed with our blood, don’t live that long. The human child growing in her now will die and my son’s true heir, birthed by your daughter, will become king. We will have control again and our kind will bring all of the Phaedran Empire to their knees, just like it should be.
Mortimer’s scaled lips turned up in a cruel smile. Even the humans?
Thadius nodded. Especially the humans. They’ll be little more than the walking meals they already are. They’ll just know it now. Just think of it, no running after the silly creatures and hunting them down. It will be as easy as eating cattle.
Mortimer nodded, still smiling. Excellent. Why my daughter though?
Thadius shrugged. He could not allow Mortimer to see how much he needed the man’s daughter for his plan to work. She’s pleasing to the eye and obeys. I have little desire for his mate to have independence or be opinionated. Your daughter follows orders. She can be controlled.
You are very right.
You have raised her well.
Mortimer nodded and straightened up, the pile of bones and tendons forgotten at his feet. Your offer is good. As is your plan. When the human gives birth, you will send her away?
Instantly. And I’ll be glad for it as well, Thadius replied without hesitation.
Very good. Celeste will join him then. She will not object. We will have an heir in no time.
You are most gracious.
Both Draconians turned as a door opened. A small boy stepped through. He was naked and freshly washed. He was frightened, the scent of his fear permeating the air with its sweet fragrance. Thadius jealously wondered what Mortimer had promised his family in exchange for such a nice treat.
Yes I am. Now leave me to my dinner, Mortimer told him quickly, brushing him off as he began walking toward the shaking boy.
Thadius nodded and quickly backed away to avoid pouncing on the child and taking him for himself. With a few powerful beats of his wings, he was lifted into the night sky and on his way back home.
Chapter Nine
Isabelle relaxed back against the soft rock at the mouth of the ledge. “Faolan?” she asked without looking over at him as he finished picking at his a meal.
“Yes?” he replied, frowning down at what he supposed was meat in some stew. Isabelle had eaten it quickly, probably to keep from tasting too much of it, he thought. Perhaps he should try that instead.
“Tell me about yesterday?” she asked quietly.
“What about yesterday?” he asked, watching his food as if it were a foul creature.
“You were acting strangely,” she said, eying him intently.
He met her eyes, nodding slowly. “I was…hmm…hungry I suppose would be the best way to describe it.”
Isabelle frowned thoughtfully. “But aren’t you hungry now?”
“It’s not the same. The dragon was hungry last night. He, I, needed to fly, to hunt. This is just slop I eat between hunting to keep my strength up. If I wasn’t still weak from being hurt, I probably wouldn’t even bother trying to eat regular food,” he explained, watching her reaction at every word.
“What did you eat last night?”
He shrugged. “There is a farmer a good distance from here. He has a small herd of cattle, no more than twenty animals. I took one of them.”
Instantly her face scrunched in disgust. “Ew. You ate it? An entire cow? Without cooking it first?”
Faolan chuckled lightly. “Cook it? With what?”
“Can’t you breathe fire or something?”
He shook his head no and smiled at her. “I’m Draconian, not dragon. They are animals. They only have one form. We have two, that I know of at least. It takes so much effort and experience to correctly change into this human form that I’ve never considered attempting another one. Our body functions remain the same though in both forms, only our appearance changes. And speech of course. I can’t talk to you when I’m a dragon, though some older Draconian’s can. But I can’t make any of the growls or roars when I’m human either. But these human bodies wouldn’t be able to withstand being able to make fire. I’m not even sure how the dragons do it. I think they don’t want us finding out the secret and stealing it for ourselves. As if such a thing were even possible.”
“You said that last night he was hungry. Is he separate from you then?” Isabelle asked softly, her fingers playing against the soft sheets.
“Sometimes, when I’m human and the dragon, forgive me for calling my natural form that, but I think it is the easiest term used for explaining such things, sometimes when we are separate and the dragon is very hungry and hasn’t had anything to eat for days, he can come to the surface. It isn’t dangerous. Not really anyway. But it is sudden, very powerful and quite unexpected. I never know when that baser instinctual side of myself will want to take over, but the easiest way to keep it under control, is to make sure that the dragon is fed often. At least every other day if not more often,” he explained.
“Can’t you just eat regular food when you’re in your natural form?” she asked quietly.
He made a face, disgusted even with the thought of it. “Not really. Not at all actually. Instinct is the driving force in that form. We don’t sit and eat and use spoons and polite manners and such in that form. The dragon needs to eat, needs to hunt. It may disgust you to hear such a thing, but the thrill of hunting and killing your own meal is one of life’s greatest pleasures.”
She gagged softly. “You’re right. That does sort of disturb me to hear. But I suppose I do understand it in a strange sort of way.”
Giving up on his a meal, Faolan rose and came to stand beside her. “Yes, I suppose you do,” he said softly, his fingertips grazing the side of her face as his onyx eyes searched hers. “Last night…you knew I was different without having to be told.”
She blushed prettily. “I guessed.”
Faolan smiled and gently played with a curl brushing her cheek. “You knew. Usually people can’t tell with us. Kylin doesn’t even really know. But you did.”
Casting her eyes to the side, she shrugged.
“I’m sure you have questions about us. I’ll answer them if you like,” he offered, laying down next to her on the bed.
“Any question I want?” she asked cautiously.
“And you’ll answer truthfully? No hiding anything from me?” she continued, turning over to face him fully.
He frowned at her, nodding slowly. “I guess I’ll have to agree to this, too. Ask carefully though, I might not be this gracious in the future and I know my father wouldn’t tolerate being questioned.”
“Alright, so only the really important things then.”
He nodded, relaxing into the bed as she watched him and thoughtfully chewed her lower lip. “Am I the only woman here?” she asked after a few more minutes of silence.
The question was said softly, as if she didn’t care what his answer would be. But as he watched her nervously twitching fingers, he knew better than to believe her. Still though, as much as he would have liked to stem her curiosity and alleviate her misgivings for the time being, he had promised himself that he would be truthful to her now that she knew what he was. He wouldn’t disclose everything all at once. He certainly didn’t want to frighten her. B
ut he had decided that if she should ask a question, as she was doing now, he would give her as much of the truth as she felt comfortable with.
“For the time being, yes.”
“Where are the others?” she asked, coming forward and sitting with him.
He met her eyes briefly. “Far to the south there’s a series of caves similar to these, known as the Snake Caves because of the way they tunnel and burrow into the mountains there. These caves are where our women live.”
“When will they return?”
He shrugged. “During the breeding season. They decide when that is and it changes every year.”
“Then what happens?”
Sitting up, Faolan pulled her small frame into his lap so that he could better hold her. “The healthiest, and therefore the most powerful, males will fight for the attentions of the females for the chance to mate with them.”
“And then?” she asked, looking up at him with wide, curious eyes.
“The females will mate with their chosen male until pregnancy results and then they will return to the Snake Caves where the child will be born and raised by all of the females together in a group.”
“For how long?”
“Boys are brought to us almost immediately, to be raised by older males in this clan,” he said absently, his eyes growing soft as he remembered his own time spent in the caves and then later in the care of his father.
“And the girls?” Isabelle asked quietly.
Faolan frowned, suddenly quiet. Unsure of what to say, he was only able to reply, “Our clan has no use for girls.”
She frowned as well. “What do you mean?”
“Please understand, Isabelle, though these may not be your ways and may not seem right to you, it is how we have existed for thousands of years. I do not know what happens to the girls. I assume they continue to live their lives with their mothers. But I have never heard either way.” “Do you expect me to act as your women do?”