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Betrayed by Dragons Page 10

  “Faolan, this is Celeste. You two were so young the last time you were together. I doubt that you remember it much,” Thadius said. She hadn’t ever heard that much pride in his voice before. It made her want to yell at him even more.

  Faolan nodded, a soft smile coming to his lips as he took in the beautiful woman on his arm. “I remember. How have you been, Celeste? You appear to be well.”

  Celeste blushed lightly under his gaze. Isabelle was sure she couldn’t even attempt that sort of demure blush on her best days. “I am well, thank you for asking.” Her voice was as delicate as the rest of her. It grated on Isabelle’s last nerve, even as shame and humiliation warred within her as she realized what she was witnessing.

  “Your father has spoken to me on your behalf. Do you object to the union of our two great clans?” the older man said.

  Faolan straightened, catching the man’s gaze and holding it. Isabelle knew without a doubt that Faolan knew he was more powerful than this man, even though his father kept his eyes down submissively. If she wasn’t so angry at them all she might have been curious about this. “I do not, Mortimer. I look forward to the time when we can be one,” he said with confidence.

  “As do I,” the woman on his arm said with a happy sigh as she stroked his arm.

  Thadius smiled at them both and clapped his hands. “Excellent. Then it’s settled. Faolan’s previous contract will expire in just a few short weeks. If that. Exactly one week from that date Celeste will join Faolan here and their union will be completed.”

  Faolan nodded. “Yes, Father. I will be waiting.”

  He kissed Celeste chastely on the cheek. Isabelle growled at the sight of the woman blush, drop her eyes and then give him a beautiful curtsey that Isabelle would never have managed to make look so graceful. Faolan bowed to each of the men.

  “Come,” Thadius said. “Faolan has agreed to go scouting for me while we speak of any remaining details.”

  The three of them left. As soon as they were gone, Faolan leaned wearily against the wall, a soft sigh escaping lips Isabelle needed to kiss.

  If they noticed Isabelle hiding behind the wall they didn’t show it. Isabelle slumped against the warm stone, biting her lip to keep from crying out.

  “Easy,” Zorin whispered in her ear.

  She turned slightly toward him, but didn’t take her eyes from Faolan.

  “The trick is not to show them that you’re upset. Strong feelings have a more intense smell than the everyday stuff. They’re hunters, remember,” he continued.

  Isabelle spun into his arms, grabbing his black shirt in her fists as she stifled a sob.

  “Try breathing. It’ll help,” he said, wrapping his arms tightly around her and laying his chin on top of her hair.

  “How could he?” she whispered brokenly.

  He shrugged. “He’s fickle and self-centered. Their kind always are.”

  Isabelle took a deep breath, turning into him as his arms rubbed her back in soothing circles. “She was so beautiful. Wasn’t she? Much more so than me.”

  He chuckled dryly and kissed the top of her head. “Not at all. Dry your tears. It’ll be alright,” he said reassuringly.

  * * * *

  Faolan turned to leave, but stopped when he saw them embraced across the hall from him. Zorin’s eyes were narrowed as he caught Faolan’s gaze, pinning him in place above Isabelle’s head.

  You’re shameless. Zorin heard in his mind.

  He rolled his eyes at Faolan, his arms tightening on the woman in his arms. Me? You’ve got yourself a replacement and this one isn’t even gone yet, you arrogant ass.

  I was not going to be hurt by her wandering heart any longer.

  The defeated hurt in Faolan’s words caught him off guard, but that only helped fuel Zorin’s anger toward the man. Yes I’m sure it was so hard to have this one woman devoted to no man but you. And it is so wonderful to feel her tremble in my arms as she cries for you. You had it all and you threw it away, you selfish bastard. She loved you and only you. You’re the worst kind of idiot.

  Faolan’s breath caught and his eyes went wide. What?

  It’s over. You’ve ruined her. Feel better?

  He sighed miserably in Zorin’s mind. No. Not at all.

  Good. It’s the least of what you deserve.

  Faolan nodded and lowered his head in defeat. So what now?

  I’ll clean up your mess for you.

  He nodded, a sigh escaping his lips as he came into the hallway. I guess I’ll just leave then.

  Zorin gave him the briefest of nods. Isabelle continued to cry softly in his arms. He was sure that she had no idea they were speaking. Good. Go be the coward you are.

  Faolan flinched at the man’s harsh words and continued walking away. It would have never worked out anyway.

  Zorin huffed at him. That’s the spirit. Just keep telling yourself that.

  He waited until Faolan disappeared around the corner and was well out of sight before leading Isabelle back to her rooms.

  She wiped roughly at her eyes and took a seat. “It was bound to happen. I never really belonged here.” She turned her head, catching Zorin’s gaze. “You were nice to me today. You comforted me.”

  Zorin was suddenly tense and uneasy, his gaze warily searching hers. “And?”

  “Thank you,” Isabelle said, smiling softly at him.

  He nodded, returning her smile. “I should go. Will you be alright, Isabelle?”

  “I just need some time and a hot bath, I think. Thank you.” She wiped her eyes again.

  Zorin nodded again, patted her lightly on the back and left the room.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Isabelle woke up well after the sun had set. The full moon cast strange shadows around the lonely bedchamber. She frowned into the darkness, wondering what had woken her when another shot of pain tightened her stomach. She rubbed at her swollen belly and wondered if it was too late to get one of the guards to bring her something to eat. Figuring that was it, she lay back, her hands resting over her stomach as she stared up at the stone ceiling. She sighed miserably, cringing as another pain shot through her. Trying to ignore it, she rolled onto her side and closed her eyes, hoping to go back to sleep.

  An hour later she was sweating and the pain had continued to increase until it was a sort of throbbing ache with spirals of pain lancing through her periodically, seemingly just for fun. She gasped through the latest onslaught and forced herself to stand. Her legs wobbled, her knees threatening to give out as the pain ran along her body in waves. She swayed and hobbled to Kylin’s chamber, gasping with each step.

  She met him in front as he was returning from a walk. Her pain-filled watery eyes momentarily connected with his before she slumped bonelessly to the hard stone floor as a puddle began to form under her hips.

  Isabelle awoke, sore and alone in a pale bedroom she had never seen before. The sheets and heavy blankets draped over her were of a soft white material that was lovely against her flushed skin. Gone was the simple green dress she had remembered wearing and it was replaced with a modest gown of the same pale snowy material as the bed sheets. Idly she wondered who had redressed her. Her hand went instinctively to her belly, her fingertips seeking the reassuringly familiar curves there. Stunned, her hand went still as she felt only a slight rounding of her almost flat stomach. She patted the tender skin she found there again, tears welling in her eyes. She turned on her side, pulling herself into a fetal position despite the immense pain moving caused. She hugged her knees fully to her chest as she let her tears fall freely and let the sobs take her.

  Two hours later Kylin came to her with a pitcher of water and a cloth.

  * * * *

  “You’re awake,” he said gently, pausing as he saw her still form huddled under the blankets. “You should be stretched out, your wounds have a long way to go before you’re healed.”

  She nodded without looking at him. “The baby?” she
asked him as she slowly unfolded herself with stiff, aching limbs.

  “Is fine,” Kylin said without hesitation. He barely noticed her slight nod and the quick swiping of the back of her hand over her puffy, reddened cheeks.

  “Boy?” she asked, her voice quiet and deceptively bland as she tried her hide her obvious interest.

  Kylin frowned at her. He couldn’t disapprove of her concern for the baby she had given birth to, but he had thought that she knew better than to let herself get so attached as to cry at the mention of it. It would only end up hurting her even more than she had already endured. He chose his next words carefully. He couldn’t give her false hope and anything she had felt for the child had to be severed. But he could spare her any more pain.

  “Yes, Faolan has a son,” he told her in the firmest voice he could muster.

  He couldn’t help but hear the defeat in her voice though as she replied, “I’m sure he’s proud.”

  Kylin nodded, unable to say anything more.

  “When can I go to Feeorin?” she asked him, the strength coming back into her voice.

  He smiled warmly at her. She would do well in her life away from the mountains. She was strong and determined to the very end.

  “Soon. Very soon. Now lay on your back for me so that I may see how you’re healing,” he instructed, coming up beside her. He held a vial to her lips, forcing her to drink.

  The next day Zorin visited her in the ugly little bedroom. She was resting, stretched out against the sheets just as Kylin had instructed her. A few unread books lay in a haphazard pile on the bedside table. She had already tried to read them all, but none held her interest.

  “Boredom doesn’t suit you,” Zorin said simply as he sat down next to her on the bed, his large gray wings fading behind himself until they disappeared into nothingness.

  She shot him a dark look.

  “And neither does whatever that was.” He grinned at her and flicked her nose with the tip of his finger before settling into the pillows beside her.

  Isabelle waited a few moments, expecting him to say something, but he seemed content just to lay quietly next to her. Finally she sighed and turned to him, her eyes seeking his and holding. “Faolan has a son.”

  He nodded slowly, his gaze tracking the movement of her hand as it moved idly against her lower stomach through the thin dress she wore.

  “It’s almost time to go from here. As soon as I’m rested and healed,” she continued, her voice breaking toward the end. “Kylin said that I’m healing faster than he’s ever seen a human do and that if I hadn’t been unconscious he would have had me do a normal birth, unlike what he had to do to me. He thinks it’s because of the baby’s magic. That it wore off on me somehow.”

  “It’s okay to be sad,” he told her gently, his gaze once again meeting hers before she turned away, wiping savagely at the tears that fell from her cheeks.

  “Why’re you here?” she snapped at him as she fought another wave of tears.

  Zorin shrugged, ignoring her rudeness as he looked over his short, well groomed nails.

  Isabelle glanced at her own ragged nails and closed her fingers into a fist to hide them.

  “Anything else bothering you?” he asked her.

  She rolled her eyes at him, but still let herself relax slightly. “She’s here, isn’t she? His new wife?” She spat out the word as if it burned her tongue.

  Zorin had no doubt that it did. He nodded. “She’s here. And she’s his mate. Not his wife. Two completely different things.”

  She snorted doubtfully. “She shares his bed. She cares for his son. It’s the same thing.”

  Zorin frowned at her. “Yes, I suppose it is when you look at it like that.”

  She nodded.

  “So what are you going to do about it?” he asked her.

  She sighed irritably. “Don’t you have someone else to bother?”

  “Nope. I’m here. So answer me. What’s your grand plan for all of this?”

  She wiped her hands on her thighs in irritation and grumbled under her breath.

  “Didn’t hear you,” he teased.

  Isabelle glared at him. “There is nothing to do. He’s got a new mate or whatever. And he’s got his son. And I—” her voice faltered and she bit her lip to keep from crying.

  “And you?”

  She shook her head fiercely. “I’ve got nothing,” she whispered.

  He snorted. “Caden?”

  She gave a halfhearted shrug. “He’s happy there in Feeorin.” She paused. “He is happy, isn’t he?”

  “Very,” Zorin told her. “He’s still gaining strength and he’s very smart. Rest now, I will watch over you.”


  He frowned at her question. “Because I care. Let me do this for you. I’ll leave you as soon as you fall asleep.”

  “Visit me tomorrow?” she asked.

  Her voice held hope and loneliness. “It hurts my heart to hear you ask for company, especially mine. A girl like you should have legions of suitors. Not be trapped here, bedridden and vulnerable among these creatures,” he said. She blushed and looked away. “Regardless. Will you come?”

  He nodded fiercely and put an arm around her shoulders to hold her close. “I will visit with you every day that you are here until you come to live in Feeorin where you belong.” He paused, his chin tilting to the side as he considered. “If that is what you want.”

  She smiled and relaxed next to him, before yawning and curling against his side. It was the most relaxed she had ever been with him. She closed her eyes, breathing deeply as she forced each of her tight muscles to relax. Within minutes, she was asleep with Zorin gently stroking her hair.

  He kept his promise and returned to her every day after that as she grew stronger.

  Chapter Sixteen

  A month later Isabelle sat on the large pale bed, an open book on her lap and a cup of lukewarm tea in her hand. Her dinner sat half eaten and forgotten beside her. At the foot of her bed was a small trunk containing the few possessions she had carried to the mountains and the clothes she had acquired once there. None of them would be leaving with her in the morning. She had only wanted to pack them up to make things easier for the guards as they threw her things away tomorrow, erasing her from the mountains completely. She didn’t mind. Not really anyway.

  She had received few visitors since the birth. Kylin stopped by once a week to check on her, but refused to answer any of her questions regarding the health of the baby. Faolan’s baby she reminded herself ruefully. It would not do to think of him as anything else as only heartache and misery lay down that path. Zorin visited when he could, often bringing her stories of Feeorin and the people in it. Caden had wanted to come Zorin had told her, but she had decided against it. She did not want him there to see what her life had become. It was better if he thought she no longer wanted him constantly with her than for him to see his sister fallen so low.

  Heavy footsteps came down the hall and she tensed. Neither Faolan nor Thadius had visited her and it was too early for the guards to come back for her plates. Her eyes widened as Faolan entered the room without knocking, spotted her on the bed and came toward her.

  Faolan took a final step toward her, closing the distance between them so much so that she could smell the forest pine trees on his skin. He must have just been flying. She dropped her eyes, but his strong fingers held her chin before she could turn away from him, forcing her to look into his fierce gaze. She trembled in his grasp, but he did not release her. Tears pricked her eyes. She had so much to apologize to him for. If she had known that she was going to give birth, then perhaps it would have been easier. If his son was hurt by her ignorance in any way, she could never forgive herself.

  “Sire, I am sorry. I had not known what was happening when the pains started. Had I known I would have gone to see Kylin sooner. And I—” she began rambling, desperately hoping to appease him.

ou have nothing to apologize for—”

  “But Kylin—”

  “Kylin is not the king here. My father is and you will listen to me when I tell you that you did nothing wrong.”

  She nodded, unable to do anything else.

  He lowered his head and sniffed her hair and the side of her neck. “Zorin has visited you recently, but you do not smell of him. Why?”

  “Sire?” she asked him, confused. She balled her hands at her sides to keep from touching him as he leaned even closer to her until she could feel his soft hair brush her cheek.

  “You are no longer bound to me so why have you not taken him as your lover?” he asked her, his voice rough with obvious jealousy.

  She made a sound of disgust and shook her head. “He and I…we aren’t like that…” she told him.

  He stepped back, searching her eyes for the truth. “He writes you often and visits as well. I know this because he insists on gloating about it at every opportunity.”

  Isabelle smiled gently at him, the way she might at a small child. She shook her head. “He does these things to keep me appraised of Caden’s progress in his studies. Queen Amalthea is too busy and Caden won’t tell me everything. So I asked him to.”

  Faolan seemed unconvinced. “He does this for you?”

  She nodded quickly.

  “In exchange for what?”


  He was too close. Much too close. His scent was overwhelming her. She wasn’t sure whether to push him away or bring him closer for a kiss.